Heritage Bird Feeders


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Mini Fly Through Picnic Feeders

Enjoy feeding many different birds almost any type of seed or fruit all year round.
Great for feeding mixed seed, peanuts, sunflower seed and expect a very wide variety of birds.

Easy to clean removable, perforated plastic feed tray.

Designed to hang or mount on top of a five foot pole with or without a squirrel deterrent.

A Backyard and Cottage Favourite!

Bent metal frame allows for maximum, undisturbed view and photography from any angle as well as providing strong, flexible support in high wind situations.

Dimensions and Price: 18" x 13" x 11" high; $80.00 CDN.

Recommended in Forest as shown, or our most popular Raspberry.

To order your Heritage Bird Feeder call Tony (519) 742-3086
Email: Heritage Stone Art

Free Delivery in the KW area. Shipping within Canada approximately $12.00 1 week delivery.

updated 11 June 2008