Joseph E. Schaller
Born 27 March 1854, New York, USA
Died 21 June 1907, Chicago, Cook County, Illnois, USA
Death of Joseph Schaller
Word was received this morning from Chicago of the death of a Waterloo
citizen in the person of Mr. Joseph Schaller, which took place on
Friday at the age of about 49 years. The deceased is a brother-in-law
to Mr. Jacob Huber and Mrs. John Koehler, Waterloo. The remains
will arrive from Chicago on Monday morning and funeral will be held
Monday from the residence of Mr. Jacob Huber, King Street at 10
o'clock to Roman Catholic church for service, thence to Mount Hope
cemetery for internment.
From the Berlin Daily Telegraph: June 24 1907
A funeral of the late Joseph Schaller, a former Waterloo citizen,
who died in Chicago on Friday, took place from the residence of
Mr. Jacob Huber this morning to the RC church for service, thence
to Mount Hope cemetery for internment.
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