To His
Excellency Major-General Sir Howard Douglas,
Baronet, Lieutenant-Governor
and Commander-in-Chief of the Province
of New Brunswick, &c. &c. &c.
Petition of Samuel bird
he is a British Subject; was born in Ireland, has resided 3 years
in this Province; aged 52 years; is married, and has 5 children;
That he never received any Land from the Crown, and therefore prays
that he may have a Grant of |
hundred acres being the lot number one in the Cardigan Settlement
and for his son Robert the Lot B and for his son James the Lot C in
said Settlement for which they hold location tickets. |
the said Land is in its natural wilderness state, no improvements
whatever having been made thereon, |
a House and Barn erected thereon and about eighteen acres cleaned.
he intends to settle and improve the same forthwith, and to comply
in all respects with the Royal Instructions, being of ability so to
do. That he has not directly, or indirectly, bargained or agreed for
the sale or transfer of the Land applied for, to any person or persons
whomsoever. - And, as in duty bound, will ever pray. |
the 12th day of December 1827 before me Henry Smith Esquire, One of
His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of York personally
appeared the above named Samuel Bird and made Oath, that the several
matters set forth in the above Petition are true. |
Henry Smith JPeace |
- Each Petitioner must apply separately. |
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